NCERT Chapter Summary: Dust of Snow

NCERT Chapter Summary: Dust of Snow

1. How did the poet feel before the ‘change of mood’? Why did he feel so?

The poet was in a very depressive and hopeless mood. The day offered no relief, comfort or happiness for the poet. He felt that the whole day had been wasted for nothing. Perhaps his dull and depressive mood led him to such a conclusion.

2. Describe the scene of falling of the dust of snow. What impact does it have on the poet?

It is a dull and depressive day of the winter. Snow is falling. Fine dust of snow has accumulated on the top of the trees. Nature seems to be in its elemental and raw state.

However, the full of fine dust of snow brings a sudden change in the mood of the poet. His depressive spirits are uplifted and his mood becomes cheerful.

3. Why does the poet say that he had ‘saved some part of a day I (he) had rued’?

The whole day had been rather gloomy, dull and hopeless. The poet had a feeling that the whole day would go waste. However, the falling of fine dust of snow on him suddenly changes hid mood. It cheered his depressed spirits. He felt as if he had saved some part of the day.

4. What happened when the dust of snow fell on Robert Frost?

Falling of the dust of snow on the poet brings a new feeling in him. The previous sense of gloom and depression disappears. He becomes cheerful. His mood is uplifted. He now feels that at least, a part of the day has been gainfully spent. After this incident his total outlook undergoes a change.

5. Why did the poet think of the day before the fall of dust of snow on him?

The poet was in low spirits. A feeling of gloom and depression overpowered him. He felt that the whole day had gone waste. But the fall of dust of snow on him brought a new change in him. He felt uplifted. He started looking at his surroundings in a different light. He felt that at least, a part of the day was spent well. A new sense of achievement replaced the sense of loss. 

6. What is the dust of snow?

On a cold and wintry day, dust and flakes of snow start falling down from the sky. These flakes or soft particles settle down on various objects. Trees and vegetation are covered with a white sheet of snow. The dust of snow falling from the hemlock tree on the poet helps him to look at this surroundings in a new light. He feels uplifted now.

7. What is hemlock tree?

A hemlock tree is associated with poisonous qualities. Socrates the great Greek philosopher was given a cup of hemlock before his death. It is poisonous tree with white flowers. But the falling of flakes of snow on the hemlock tree makes the poet see his surroundings in a new light. The falling of snowflakes on him from the hemlock tree uplifts his spirit.