NCERT Chapter Summary: Devotional Paths to the Divine

NCERT Chapter Summary: Devotional Paths to the Divine

1. How did intense devotion come in worship?

Intense devotion came into worship in 8th century and later on due to the legacy of different kinds of Bhakti and Sufi movements.

2. Which castes were considered ‘untouchable’?

Pulaiyar and the Panars castes were considered ‘untouchable’.

3. Name the set of compilation of Alwar’s songs?

Their songs were complied in the Divya Prabandham.

4. Who was Shankaracharya and where was he born?

Shankaracharya was a philosopher and he was born in Kerala in the eighth century.

5. What did Buddha teach?

Buddha taught that it was possible to overcome social differences and break the cycle of rebirth through personal effort.

6. Name some of the saint-poets of Maharashtra.

Janeshwar, Namdev, Eknath and Tukaram as well as women like Sakkubai.

7. Who was Narsi Mehta? What he said?

Narsi Mehta was a famous Gujarati saint. He said, "They are Vaishnavas who understand the pain of others."

8. What is ‘abhang’?

It is a Marathi devotional hymn.

9. Who were ‘Sufis’?

Sufis were Muslim mystics.

10. Name the great Sufis of Central Asia.

Great Sufis of Central Asia were Ghazali, Rumi and Sadi.

11. What is the meaning of ‘zikra’?

‘Zikr’ means chanting of a name or sacred formula.

12. What are ‘Namghars’?

They are houses of recitation and prayer, a practice that is continued even today.

13. Where did Sufi masters held their assemblies?

The Sufi masters held their assemblies in their khanqahs or hospices.

14. What are known as ‘dharmsal’?

Baba Guru Nanak created sacred place which was known as dharmsal. It is now known as Gurudwara.

15. Where did the composition of Surdas compiled?

Compositions of Surdas are compiled in the Sursagara, Surasaravali and Sahitya Lahari.

16. Mention a unique feature of the saints.

A unique feature of most of the saints is that their works were composed in regional languages and could be sung.